Animation: Jorn Leeuwerink
Music: Ginton
Sound: Soundbase
Production company: Luster Productions
The animated short film Pig tells the story of a community of animals that depends on a pig connected to a machine that transforms its breath into electricity. When the pig stops contributing, the animals must confront their dependency. The work is a visual allegory, presented without dialogue, about exploitation and sustainability, conveyed through symbols and dark humor. Created with minimalist 2D animation, Pig uses the contrast between routine and crisis to address complex themes such as selfishness and excessive consumption, while the soundtrack by Ginton accompanies the transition from the ordinary to the surreal. The simplicity of the drawings and the linearity of the animations sharply contrast with the weight of the theme, creating a synergy between form and content
Jorn Leeuwerink is a Dutch director and animator, known for his essential visual style and use of dark humor. He studied animation at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht. His works often explore themes related to contemporary society and human behavior. Pig is one of his most acclaimed short films, presented at numerous international festivals.