by Ila Beka e Louise Lemoine, France 2017, 63'
SCREENPLAY: Ila Beka e Louise Lemoine   SOUND MIXING: Walter Fuji, Lo Studio
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ila Beka   PRODUCER: Filippo Clericuzio
EDITING: Ila Beka e Louise Lemoine   LANGUAGE: English

Schermo dell'Arte - Archivio Film
Presented at Lo schermo dell'arte Film Festival 2018

 Yasuo Moriyama, Tokyo urban hermit, has never left his native city. He lives in an important example of contemporary Japanese architecture, by architect Ryue Nishizawa. The film was supposed to be a documentary on the spaces of a highly original house consisting of ten separate modules: four inhabited by Moriyama, and six rented to other tenants. It became the chronicle of the time spent by Ila, one of the two authors, in Yasuo’s company, and the relationship established between two fans of Japanese noise music: the soundtrack is by OtomoYoshihide.
êka's camera captures Mr. Moriyama's domestic activities: reading, listening to music, screening silent films to entertain guests, and shows how the house reflects its inhabitant’s personality and passions: rooms full of books, films and records. Within this small world, which includes his young neighbors, Moriyama lives a simple life, influenced by Japanese traditions and spirituality, far from the idea of Western comfort and punctuated by daily rituals.

Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine  

Presented by The New York Times as the â₏‹“cult figures in the European architecture world”, Bêka & Lemoine have stood out on the international architectural scene for the last 15 years through a cinematographic work known for its innovative nature and its tender and biting humour, disrupting the usual representation of contemporary architecture by putting people and uses at the forefront. Presented in major biennials and international cultural events such as the Venice Architecture Biennale (2008, 2010, 2014), The Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016 and Performa 2017 New York among others, their films are also frequently exhibited in some of the most prestigious museums and international cultural institutions, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen, the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Bêka & Lemoine’s films have also largely been selected and awarded by some major film festivals such as CAFx (Copenhagen), DocAviv (Tel Aviv), ADFF (New York), AFFR (Rotterdam), among many others. They have been invited as guest professors at GSAPP / Columbia University (New York), Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio (Switzerland), Domaine de Boisbuchet (France) and HEAD in Geneva (Switzerland). They are currently teaching Diploma 16 at AA School in London.


Selected Filmography
2022 Big Ears Listen with Feet 2021 OSLAVIA. The cave of the past future 2020 Tokyo Ride 2017 Homo Urbanus 2016 Selling Dreams 2015 Voyage Autour de la Lune  2014 Barbicania  2011 Pomerol, Herzog & De Meuron  2010 Xmas Meier 


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